How can you contribute?
With Meemaw, we want to make trustless technologies available to everyone, even your Grandma. This is why the project is open source. This is why we want to work with you to produce something unique. We truly believe that together, we actually have a shot at writing a small piece of history and inflecting the tech industry's trajectory.
However, to achieve that, there are many things to do. Regardless of what you like to do and how much time you want to spend improving Web3, there is something for you to do 😊 You can find a list here.
You will find more information on how to actually contribute in this section.
Also, you should join us on Discord. We do this as a community, and we also want to have fun together. You will also find advice on where and how to start, help, etc.
This section of the docs is a work in progress. If you have some time to help make it great, join us on Discord!